Wednesday, December 19, 2012


      The holiday season can add stress to our lives. We're too busy with too many things. We can come up short-tempered, and who is the easiest one to take out our frustrations on? Most likely, our husband or wife.
      Very early in our marriage we discovered the 100% rule. Being flawed, sometimes very flawed, human beings, we aren't always able to hold true to this formula. But when the Lord reminds us and we make the effort, it works beautifully. It's quite simple really, no matter what the circumstances, we make the decision to  unconditionally love our mate 100%.
      Impossible you say! Yes, humanly speaking, but anything is possible with God...Mark 10:27. Do you know why this is so hard for us to do - love 100%? It means you are not taking into account your mate's behavior, attitude or hurtful words. It's difficult because you need to take a big risk. If you give your 100%, you'll no doubt expect to get 100% in return. And there is a good chance you won't. Maybe you'll feel disappointed and unloved - after all, you gave your best, surely you deserve something back.
      True, you take a risk, but the rewards so outweigh the risk that once you've been successful at the 100%, you'll remember how good it felt and won't want to go back to responding to bad behavior. Think about it; it's very difficult to be nasty to someone who loves you completely, and shows it. I don't feel the love you might say. Love anyway. Love comes from God, our hope is in Him and we will not be disappointed. We can't make ourselves feel love; it needs to come from someplace, actually, someone.
"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit."  Romans 5:5

      When we don't have any love of our own, we can count on God's love. I won't abandon the principles of the Bible - God is love. If you can't be loving, you don't know God...I John 4:7-8.

"God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
I John 4:16.

      When we have a relationship with the Lord, other relationships are so much easier. Start with that. Every day is a fresh beginning.  Turn all your problems over to the who created you, loves you and wants you to be 100% successful! Keep in mind that God has accepted us just as we are...a mess sometimes! We didn't deserve that He died on a cross for our inability to be sinless, and therefore acceptable to God. We couldn't work to earn His favor; by grace He gave us all He had to give, His life.
      When we have experienced being totally, 100% forgiven, we find it easier to forgive others, even our mate. If you're looking at your husband/wife, to make you 'happy', you'll no doubt be disappointed because only you can do that. Once you discover your type of happiness, you won't be bothered as much by your flawed mate. 
      Ask the Lord to make His presence known. When we feel His hand on us, peace and joy are bound to follow. Ask Him for a special interest - something just for you that you can feel passionate about and have friends to share this with.

Thank you Lord that you have all the answers. I wish you made them more obvious at times, but maybe it's good that we have to dig them out. Help us each day to count on Your love, Your faithfulness and ability to do what we can't do on our own. Help us to be successful with the 100% rule.