Thursday, October 12, 2017



I sat at my desk one morning,
looked out the window,
and watched a rose
the color of a ripe apricot
dancing in the wind, 
pelted by rain.

This rose in hues of
yellow and orange
lay against the fence
peeked in my window
and asked to be rescued.

The wind gained strength.
I watched with sadness as
this lovely blossom
on a long thin branch
was buffeted about.

My eyes are fixed on the rose
as it looks in the window
and pleads for help.
Will its beauty be scared?
Will it even survive?

Another gust of wind comes
and in its violence
whips the rose
until my heart aches.

I can hardly watch,
I want to run out and rescue it.
In my confusion, I cry out - *
and then I know it must
stay connected to the vine.

The next day the sun is out.
I run outside to see the rose  
and spot two small tears
among the fragile petals.

The little rose looks happy
bouncing gently in the breeze,
battered, but not broken,
alive, enjoying the sun,
connected to the vine.

 * "Abba Father", Galatians 4:6



I watched this little drama unfold one stormy winter day, an uncommon event in Southern California.  I had great empathy for this beautiful little rose and wanted it to survive the storm, intact.  I too want to survive the storms in my life, intact.

We, like the rose, are whipped around in this life here on earth.  At least that is how it often feels.  We seem to be at the mercy of circumstances far beyond our control, and actually, we are.  But we believers have discovered an astonishing truth.  Because we have a relationship with the One who is in control, no matter what our difficulty, we are able to experience peace and contentment.

Knowing a sovereign God, and by faith believing He has a perfect plan, often hidden from us, we resist the temptation to ‘fix it’.  We simply picture ourselves as a branch connected to the vine from which all life flows.  God doesn’t expect us to right all the wrongs, heal all the hurts and set things right with the world we’re surrounded by.  What He does expect is for us to know who He is - a patient, just, loving and totally sovereign God who is capable of working ‘all things together for good’ for those who are His children, Romans 8:28.

In John chapter 15, Jesus is the true vine and God the Father is the gardener.  It is the Father who prunes us so we will grow fruit that will be to His glory.  This pruning process is not always pleasant, but will ultimately produce a harvest of righteousness and peace – Hebrews 12:11.

Our part then, is to stay connected to Jesus and trust Him, …"for He is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and great joy" – Jude 24.

Thank you Lord that we can cling to you when we are in distress. I pray that those who've recently struggled through our disasters - three hurricanes, mass shooting in Las Vegas and the almost too awful to conceive - fires in Northern California that have destroyed so many acres, so many homes and taken lives, will be comforted by You and encouraged by Your love.