Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Many, many years ago, before I started studying the Bible and learning who God is, 'sovereign' was not a word I used very often. I remember looking up a dictionary definition, "A supreme ruler possessing ultimate power," said the dictionary. This is the definition of 'God'. The spelling of this word didn't come naturally for me. I focused on the ending 'reign' and could associate that with a monarchy. A king or queen 'reigns'. One day I stumbled on the verse in Ephesians 1:11. . .     

"In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will."

I realized I became a believer not because I was 'good' or super intelligent, or made the choice to believe, but because God choose me to be His child. And he had a purpose, a plan and the power.

Over the ups and downs of life, good times and trying times, I've always focused on the fact that God is sovereign - even though I sometimes try to come up with my own plan. As we grow in the knowledge of the Lord, we realize more and more that faith grows and peace comes only when we consciously are aware of God's sovereignty. Whatever happens is what our Lord has planned. He doesn't need to explain why things are the way they are - God answers to no one!  As humans, we may desire to be the one in charge and have full control, but isn't that a scary idea that we could determine all outcomes? 

The Lord knew we would struggle and no matter how hard we try, we'd fail to be 'perfect'. Only perfect people go to heaven, so God came to earth as a man, fully human, and fully divine. He had chosen "before the creature of the world" - Ephesians 1:4, a group of people who would be called 'sheep' and they would follow the Messiah, Jesus Christ who was with God from the beginning - John 1:1, and walked among us - John 1:14. Jesus is our good Shepherd, our Lord and Savior, he said "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father", John 14:9. 

Our faith is not based on what we've done, but on what God has done for us. By His grace, He has given us the gift of faith. In some ways walking by the law is easier than walking in faith. If we don't walk by faith, we are often fearful. Christians don't need to fear 'tomorrow' - God is the same today, yesterday and forever. When we fear, Satan is absolutely delighted! God has allowed Satan to roam this earth but he has set boundaries for Satan. Read the book of Job who went through some awful stuff but God always was in control of what was happening. 

I'd like to share a poem written by Carol Hopson, a good and faithful Bible teacher.


Did you know that fear and faith

     cannot exist as one?

For either you have faith in God

     or Satan's fear has won.

For God has said, "Be not afraid!

     I will take care of you.

Whatever comes into your life

My grace will see you through."

"So please show Me you love Me,

     and trust my sovereignty.

Then peace you cannot comprehend

     will set your spirit free.

Walk in faith rather than fear, this is what your heavenly Father wants for you. Because we know God is good and a loving sovereign Father, we never need to walk in fear. . .of anything!

Thank you Lord for showing us this truth.