Monday, January 27, 2014



I have learned
God, who loves me,
has planned and prepared for my life,
set boundaries and ordained my good works.
I'm free to relax and enjoy all He has done.
I have learned
I can have peace in every circumstance
knowing every challenge, every struggle
comes from His hand.
I'm being molded by the Potter
who will make of me a
vessel for His intended use
and ultimately, for His glory!

Aah you say….ME
I'm in charge of my own destiny!
No my friend, our will is not free,
if that be so, surely
we would destroy His infinite plan.
Don't you agree?
I have learned
a little robot is what I am,
worries and problems need not plague me.
I am safe and secure as can be
tucked into God's sovereign will,
my heavenly Father planning what
is perfect for me.

I may not be a great poet, but it is often helpful to distill God's Word into a form we can easily relate to. This is a way we can clarify God's truth to ourselves as well as others and allow it to penetrate our life. Think how your life may change if you view every circumstance through the lens of faith knowing God is in full control and you are His treasured child.