Sunday, December 16, 2018


Especially during this time of year, you have to ask, "Jesus, who are you?

Doesn't it seem like almost every country in the world joins in the celebration of the One born over 2,000 years ago? The earth is aglow with lights, alive with music, and consumed with special food. And then, there is family. When possible we gather together, sometimes at great expense and inconvenience, just to touch our roots, be with those who have molded us in some way to be the person we are. We give one another gifts in remembrance of the gift God gave to us by sending his Son, our Lord and Savior.

If you are a Christian, I'm sure you've been asked this question, "Who exactly is Jesus?" There is often some confusion about the Trinity itself. You won't find the word 'trinity' in the Bible. It's a word that we use to describe the three persons of God; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 

This may be difficult to understand because it's hard to describe something that is infinite in finite terms. So, we need to relate this mystery of the trinity to something we do know; like the chemical compound for water - H2O, one atom of oxygen chemically bonded to two atoms of hydrogen. This compound of atoms appears in three different forms that we all are familiar with... water, ice and steam. All very different, but one in the same. 

When I taught this concept to my Bible students in our local jail, I used another example to help them grasp how you can have one God in three forms. I would tell them that they may be a daughter, wife and mother all at the same time, and yet be just one person. My role as a wife was different than as a mother or a grandmother. One person with three (often times more) entirely different roles. The difference here in this example is that I look the same in every role, whereas water, ice and steam look very different from one another. 

When I'm asked where in the Bible is there an explanation or statement that defines the person of Jesus Christ, I use the following verses. Learn these and you will always be able to 
answer the question, "Who is Jesus?"

John 1: 1-14  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He (Jesus) was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men." Vs. 12  Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

Verse 14 sums up the passage. . ."The Word became flesh, and made his dwelling among us."  This describes what happened that night in Bethlehem when the star shown in the sky and the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds in the fields. God Himself was placed in a manager, foretold by the prophets, fully human and fully divine - Jesus. 

Colossians 1:15  "He is the image of the invisible God. For by him all things were created : things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...vs 17  He is before all things and in him all things hold together. Scientists speak of a 'force' that holds atoms together to make molecules. If they study the Bible instead of guessing based on who knows what, they would discover it is Jesus who holds everything together, just Jesus!

Philippians 2: 6-11  "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross."

Hebrew 1: 1-3 ...but in these last days, He (God) has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's  glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful word."

Try and memorize these four passages in the Bible - John 1, Colossians 1, Philippians 2, and Hebrews 1, and you will always be able to give anyone who asks, a Biblical definition and description of Jesus. Amen? That means you agree!

Thank you Lord that You have made Your plan known to us through Your Word. You have spelled it out completely and all we need to do is search for it. As we prepare to celebrate the physical birth of God, help us to focus on who that baby really is and why he came to earth to walk among us.