Sunday, December 23, 2018


Most of us hang a wreath or two around the house as part of our Christmas decorations, on the front door for sure. It represents an invitation to the Spirit of Christmas as people enter our home. 

The Christmas wreath is packed with tradition and symbolism.  Wreaths made with evergreens are most common, but you can get creative and make a wreath like this one I made several years ago. It's called a 'punch wreath' and is made from 4" squares of colorful Christmas fabrics dipped in glue and punched into a straw or styrofoam wreath. 

The wreath, an ancient symbol for both Romans and Greeks, has been used for centuries. Think of the movies you've seen where the Roman Caesar had a crown of leaves shaped like a wreath on his head. It was symbolic of power and pride. The Greeks wore a wreath as a personal decoration to indicate victory and accomplishment. Later in history the Germans brought fresh boughs into their homes and fashioned them into a circle with a candle in the middle. During the cold days of winter this was to remind them that spring would come, and with the new season,  light and warmth. 

Christians began to use the circle of the wreath to symbolize the eternal presence of God; no beginning and no end. No beginning and no end - an amazing comforting truth! The circle also represents the cycle of seasons, hope of life renewing itself, eternal life through Jesus and the unending love of God. 

From a Christian perspective the wreath also speaks to the unending circle of life itself. A symbol of Jesus who lived, died and rose again, the ultimate triumph over death. The beautiful holly bush is often used to make wreaths with sharp pointed leaves that represent the crown of thorns Jesus wore on the cross, the small red berries are like drops of blood. 

At some point the wreath simply became a decoration. Hanging one on your front door is like an invitation to the Spirit of Christmas. Jesus is the Spirit of Christmas.

A few days ago my son and I took a Christmas tour of San Diego on the 'Jolly Trolley' . Without the hassle of driving and looking for parking, we boarded a trolley that took us to all the festive places to see awesome light displays. The driver of our trolley announced that we would be singing traditional Christian songs on her trolley. Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf the Reindeer are a fun part of the season, but, she wanted her trolley to glorify the One the world celebrates this time of year. "It's all about Jesus who came to give us eternal life, God in the flesh."

This was a bold woman! She was much more tuned into the Truth than being 'politically correct'. I would say that the majority of the people on the bus appreciated this and appreciated being drawn into the true Spirit of Christmas. I heard someone say recently that rather then listen to what people think about Jesus, they listen for His voice and hear Him say...

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:20

I am humbled by so many who read this blog every month, people from all over the world. I also know this blog isn't about me, it's God using me to seek out those He loves. A very Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope you are excited about what Jesus will be doing in your life this coming New Year.  My love, Bobbe