Sunday, March 10, 2019


I was visiting friends in Arizona last fall. While enjoying the numerous art studios in Scottsdale, I stumbled into an exhibit of sculptures and snapped a photo of this little girl so obviously enjoying freedom and experiencing joy. Standing before her, you couldn't help but smile, and be aware that there is freedom and joy to be had as a child of God. Unfortunately, we aren't always able to grab onto it and claim it for our own.

        I see it has been a month since I last wrote a blog. Those of you who read this blog regularly know that I don't have a time table for writing; I wait until the Lord gives me something to share, sometimes He's silent for a period of time. Since this blog isn't about me, but rather God and His ever present love for us, I respect that.

        We all have a story to tell. Sometimes we are not able to share our story, nevertheless, we have one. I've taught Bible studies for over 20 years,13 years in my local jail. I've heard so many stories. Sad to say, not many 'happy' ones. Among your family and friends, you can sometimes sense that stories are being held inside. We can never know for sure what others think and feel, but I've learned some common reasons.

        First and foremost, they do not have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, second, pain is involved and it's difficult to be vulnerable, third, they can't let go of past mistakes, their guilt or what they have determined to be an injustice, and last, they are just plain mad at God. Most of us feel we should never be mad at a Holy God, but truth is, most of us are at one time or another.

        It's so easy to tell someone, "Let it go" but very hard to do. How can we as flawed human beings do this? Acknowledge that you don't have power over your fears, hurt and guilt.You can't reverse your depression, or even be sure where it comes from. But know that God does. Not everything we deal with is centered in our childhood, but much of it is. We perceive things differently as a child than we would if we were an adult. 

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."
I Corinthians 13:11

        I don't think the Lord is saying that it's wrong to feel pain and hurt; some outrageously awful things happen to us, and some of us have done outrageously awful things and guilt is understandable. God is not blind to that. But unless we can go back and re-do our past, we need to 'let it go'. If we don't, it will keep haunting our future. Being 'haunted' is like having the devil pursue us.

        Usually the process of letting go of your past involves understanding that you've never been lost to God. You may think God has forgotten you amid all the creatures of the world. He may set you aside for awhile, but then you connect to Him and realize He knew exactly where He left you and can pick up all the pieces and put you back together. All you need to do is ask Him. 

        The Lord has given the believer the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us. This is explained in Romans 8: 26-27. This verse has been a blessing for me as I've experienced many times the desire to pray for a person or situation, but didn't know how to do it. Guess I'm not the only one, because this is one of the Holy Spirit's jobs. We need to let Him do what we can't.

"...the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for...the Spirit intercedes for the saints (believers) in accordance with God's will."

        We see in verse Romans 28:8  that " all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." It takes faith to believe this, faith comes from God. it's a gift - Ephesians 2:8. 

        The sculpture of the little girl, arms in the air, dancing with freedom and joy shows she has opened her gift. Isn't that what we do when someone gives us a gift, we open it? Faith is a free gift that enables us to trust God's power over our life, to trust His forever love and devotion, His plan and purpose. Claim the gift of faith!

       I think sometimes we don't recognize the packaging, so we set this gift aside and go on clinging to what is stealing our joy. Let it go, Jesus Christ died so we can have this gift, relish it, own it, be grateful for it - throw your arms in the air and shout for joy, free of all that has weighed you down. I'd love to own that piece of sculpture, set it in my house so every day I would be reminded to 'let it go.'

Thank you Lord for the wonderful gift of faith, a gift that only You can give.