Tuesday, October 22, 2019


We all have an earthly father, I know not everyone is, but I was blessed with a great dad whose love was unconditional. He rejoiced with me and he always hurt when I hurt. The important thing is that he was always there for me. When I read the name Abba in the Bible, I think of him, when I hear the song Abba. I have come to understand that those of us who had a good dad are much more open to having a Heavenly Father. When you've been abandoned, abused or ignored as a child the concept of Abba Father is hard to grasp, the pain is deep. 

I remember a Christian camp counselor tell me about a teenage boy, brought by a friend, who came to his camp one summer. After a few days with him and sensing this young man was hurting he drew him aside and asked if he wanted to share anything. Yes, he did, his words were like a flood bursting through a dam. This boy had been terribly abused by his alcoholic father, physically and emotionally. The counselor simply told this teen boy that he needed a new father. God's provides Himself! 

"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit of bondage. . .you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him "Abba Father".  Romans 8: 14 -15

A song written by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser describes who this Abba Father is and what our relationship with him feels like.

"You're more real than 
The ground I'm standing on
You're more real than
The wind in my lungs

Your thoughts define me
You're inside me
You're my reality

Abba, I belong to you
Abba, I belong to you

You're closer than the 
Skin on my bones
You're closer than the 
Song on my tongue

Abba, I belong to you."

Galatians 4:6 tells us that because we are a child of God he sent His Holy Spirit - the Spirit of his Son Jesus - into our hearts who prompts us to call out "Abba Father". The word Abba is from the Aramaic language which defines the word 'father' and implies that believers are tethered to God; we are created in the image of God.

Those of us who are parents know what we want for our children. First of all, we want them to have peace because we know that there are many rough spots as we travel the road of this life on earth. We also want them to understand that they can have joy in the midst of any circumstance. We want them to have purpose in their life, something that inspires and makes them feel good, we pray they will have family and friends to love and enjoy. We hope they are content and accepting of the 'less than perfect' things that happen but also open for change and adventure! We want them to have good health and what is so important to happiness - the ability to forgive and be grateful.  

Most important, we want them to have a relationship with their Abba Father. We want the same things for our children as God wants for His children.

I've walked with my Father for over 46 years now and I've come to know that He is more real than the ground I walk on, my real than the air in my lungs, His thoughts define me, He's inside of me, He
is my reality and closer to me than the skin on my bones or the song on my tongue. . .I belong to Abba. I need Him because I can't even come close to being 'perfect'.

Psalm 16:8 "I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

Thank you Lord for being ABBA, everything we need.When others say and do hurtful things, help us to remember who you are and that we belong to You, only You.